zondag 20 mei 2012

The World Wide Web shopping paradise

Alright. Here is something you don't know about me. I love shopping.
Like any other girl and some guys as well, I love to buy new things to upgrade my wardrobe.
I love going into stores, checking the latest stock, go trough the clothes and feel the fabric with my fingers. I can spend the whole day in the city, going to shop after shop. But after a while, it can get a bit boring. You know the shops by heart and especially in a small city like Amsterdam, on a certain point you're done. And what I dislike the most, is that sometimes you see people walking on the street with exactly the same item you have in your closet. Or worse; you are wearing it that day!
I know it's hard to be original and they mass product clothes like never before, but it's nice to feel like you are the only one owning it.
So what do you do next? Of course you can always go to another city, check vintage stores and markets. But what if you don't have the time? That's right, you discover the internet shopping paradise.
Shops or brands you can't buy here, are just a mouse click away on your computer. Topshop, ASOS or Ebay... you name it, they got it.
Since I've bin ordering from the internet, I'm not spending so much time in the city anymore, which has it's benefit's. No more lines in front of the cash register or fitting rooms, endless choices and most of the time, they have your size!
That's how I found a lovely bag, bought for a real good price. Looking expensive, futuristic and unique. And every time I wear it, people get excited. I'm so proud!

So to all the people who are frustrated by all the things named above... Click, click, click and shop away on the World Wide Web! Enjoy!!